La Via Ferrata is hiking along a rock, rather like crossing it. If heights and vast open spaces beneath your feet don't paralyze you, or you are looking for an adrenalin rush, then this is for you. A variety of routes: alternating natural paths and metal ladders with sometimes surprising passages on footbridges or monkey bridges. Group outings every Monday and Wednesday. You can hire a guide on request every day. Equipment provided : harness - helmet - tethers.
From 20/05 to 29/10/2023, daily.
From 21/05 to 31/10/2022 One price: 65 to 100 € Fee: 240 to 380 €.
From 20/05 to 29/10/2023 One price: 70 to 110 € Fee: 245 to 385 €.
12 y.o. minimum, 1m45 tall minimum.
Contact et accès 76 rue Ambroise Martin 74120 Megève Haute-Savoie (74)