This active and sensitive encounter with Nature brings multiple benefits: it strengthens the feeling of existing on earth, nourishes and invigorates our organs and our senses hyper-solicited by modern civilization. Cultivating one's faculty of astonishment and wonder enriches our inner life and is beneficial to our psychic balance: "we settle down", we calm down "here and now", we taste the present moment intensely.
From 01/01 to 31/12, daily.
On demand.
1/2 journée : 24 € par pers - 5 pers minimum - 12 pers maxi. En dessous de 5 pers : 120 € divisé par la nombre de pers.
journée : 40 € par pers - 5 pers minimum - 12 pers maxi. En dessous de 5 pers : 200 € divisé par la nombre de pers.
Contact et accès 1024 route d'Araches 74300 Saint-Sigismond Haute-Savoie (74)