
The Castle circuit - drawing circuit


Ruines du château de Montbel
Sylviane Offredi

(1) From the tourist information centre of St Pierre d’Entremont, follow the GRP Tour de Chartreuse to the «Chemin des Mules». Leave the GRP to join the church of St-Alexis in St-Pierre-d’Entremont-Savoy.
(2) Cross the bridge and turn left on the road to the Buis’ quarry. At the junction below, follow the path that goes down towards the Guiers vif river.
(3) At the footbridge, you find the 1st table Randocroquis to draw. Walk along the former «Martinet des Chartreux». On your right, you can see a beech tree of 35 m high! Keep going up to meet the B-road, cross it (be careful) and keep walking in the forest to the hamlet of «Le Château» (path impassable in winter).
(4) Once in the hamlet, do not miss the ruins of the «Château de Montbel» (small track going up). Enjoy an amazing view over the Entremont’s valley, the tables to draw and a viewpoint indicator. Go down by the road. In the hamlet, on your right, you can see the wheel of a former saw. After the last houses of the hamlet «Les Terray», follow the path on the left.
(5) Meet the small road that goes down to the village.


From 01/05 to 30/11.

Subject to favorable weather.


Free access.

Contact et accès
Office de tourisme
73670 Saint-Pierre-d'Entremont
Isère (38)
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
  • French
  • Pets allowed
À propos de la randonnée
  • Type : Boucle
  • Dénivelé positif : 300 m
  • Dénivelé négatif : 300 m
  • Altitude Max. : 930 m
  • Distance : 6 Km
  • Length : 2H30
  • Niveau de difficulté : Moderé
  • Balisage : oui
  • Balisage : Departure Signs are in place in the villages near the car parks and the places open to the public. To follow your itinerary, poles are in place at the junctions and identifiable by a sign with the name of the walk and the altitude. Between two poles, you will find marked sign made with painting all along the way, it indicates if you must follow the path or not. Pay also attention to small signs to guide you. We recommend to have the map Promenades et randonnées en Chartreuse" with you.

Ça peut vous intéresser

Coeur de Chartreuse Tourist Information center at Saint Pierre d'Entremont
Perrine Evain

Coeur de Chartreuse Tourist Information center at Saint Pierre d’Entremont

Groupement des Paysans, Artisans et Créateurs de Chartreuse
Guillaume Chassagnon

Groupement des Paysans, Artisans et Créateurs de Chartreuse

La terrasse du restaurant
Gilles Piel Alpes Isère

Restaurant Herbe Tendre

Le restaurant
Perron Sophie

Restaurant “La Flambée”

Le restaurant
Sylvie Lecorfec

Restaurant “Le Grand Som”

À proximité
Coeur de Chartreuse Tourist Information center at Saint Pierre d'Entremont
Perrine Evain
Tourism institutions

Coeur de Chartreuse Tourist Information center at Saint Pierre d’Entremont


Au fil de l’Eau

Le gîte en hiver
Bandet Fabienne
Furnished accommodation and Gîtes

Gîte Au fil de l’eau

Randonnée accompagnée en montagne
Alexandre Guhéry
Sporting activities

Randonnée accompagnée en montagne


Le Moulin des Chartreux 1733 – La Chartrousine

The Castle circuit - drawing circuit
