Traditional cooking

Restaurant Le Relais de Thézillieu


Restaurant Le Relais de Thézillieu

Chef and his staff suggest you a cuisine based on local products of real quality. As Pascal himself says “I love to work with local products and serve a cuisine which is both tasty and generous”. On the menu you will find such delicacies as quail, charolais beef, Bugiste charcuterie, foie gras, and homemade terrines. Additionally there is an extensive wine list that includes some of the finest AOC Bugey wines and other outstanding labels from the best vineyards in France. The Relais de Thézillieu has a small terrace that has room for 15 people with space for another 28 patrons in the main dining room. The restaurant is open 7 days a week from the 1st of July until the 15th of August and is closed on sunday evening and monday all day


From 01/07 to 31/08, daily.

From 01/09 to 31/12/2022, every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


From 01/01 to 30/06/2022
A la carte: 17 to 25 €
Adult menu: 15 to 39 €
Child menu: 12 €.

From 01/07 to 31/08/2022
A la carte: 17 to 25 €
Adult menu: 15 to 39 €
Child menu: 12 €.

From 01/09 to 31/12/2022
A la carte: 17 to 25 €
Adult menu: 15 to 39 €
Child menu: 12 €.

Group rate available for > 10 people.

Contact et accès
32 route de l'église
01110 Plateau d'Hauteville
Ain (1)
Informations complémentaires
  • Bar
  • Terrace
  • Toilets
  • Fishing lake
  • Car park
  • Restaurant
Moyen de Paiement
  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Traveller's cheque
  • Travellers Cheque
  • Cash
  • Online payment
  • Traditional cooking
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
  • Acceptés : Le chien doit être tenu en laisse dans l'établissement et sagement couché près de la table de ses propriétaires. Un toutoubar est à disposition

Ça peut vous intéresser

Hôtel Le Relais de Thézillieu

Traditional cooking
Restaurant Le Relais de Thézillieu

Plateau d'Hauteville