
Queen's scale

Ardèche ()

Thueyts- Échelle de la reine ©Otasv ©L.Pinto
©Otasv ©L.Pinto

The legend of the scales: Scale of the King and the Queen
In very remote times, the battle was raging in the plain of the Vernède.
In order to better direct the fight, the chiefs, who were to be a Queen of Auvergne and a King of the East or the Rhone Valley fighting for hunting grounds, had climbed the rocks overlooking the plain, by more or less abrupt paths.
Paths called thereafter: Scale of the King and Scale of the Queen.
In spite of their bravery, the people of Auvergne succumbed under the number.
The desperate Queen wept very loudly, and the King, moved by his sobs, gave the order to stop the fight.
The Queen was very pretty despite her tears; the King, young and handsome ...
The legend does not say it, but everything suggests that they got married and had many small Athogians!


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Contact et accès
07330 Thueyts
Ardèche (7)
À proximité

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Queen's scale
