Cultural Évènement terminé

Nous, les fleuves (We, the Rivers)

Lyon ème

Nous, les fleuves (We, the Rivers)
Musée des Confluences

We, the rivers, we shape the landscapes and fertilise the land. We are essential sources of life, cradles of great civilisations, and most of humanity depends on our waters.

The exhibition invites you to follow the course of an imaginary river. Along the way, you will acquaint yourself with the mystery of our springs, the colours of our confluences, the strength of our flows and, finally, the ecological and geopolitical issues involved in our estuaries and deltas.

An immersive scenography, canoes, aquatic animals, mythological characters, artworks and documentary films, will plunge you into kingdom of river waters.


From 21/10/2022 to 27/08/2023 between 10.30 am and 6.30 pm.
Closed on Monday.


Reduced price: 5 €, Adult: 9 to 6 €.

Contact et accès
86 quai Perrache
69002 Lyon 2ème
Rhône (69)
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
  • French

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