Objective : Sport, nature and health, learn and exchange with other people. Internship : 4 sessions of 2 hours.
On Monday : Discovery trip in Praz de Lys on foot. Management of mountain race. Trail, endurance and muscular strength. On Tuesday : Nordic Work (use of sticks...). Technical and dynamic ! Train yourself as Nordic people for more than 30 years On Wednesday : Natural Running and body-building. Alternation of speed. Use natural environment to complete and vary your trainings. On Thursday : A summit as an objective. Run and discover a small wild summit, accessible (2000m). Use trail to train, but also to discover a panorama and a wildlife.
From 01/06 to 30/09, daily.
On demand.
Adult: 10 €.
Contact et accès Magasin Twinner - Centre commercial Praz de Lys 74440 Taninges Haute-Savoie (74)