There are 2 guestrooms in a 1,3-hectare park in Saint-Genix sur Guiers in Savoie Mont Blanc. The Manaslu guestroom can take 2 to 4 people, there are 2 single beds, one double bed and a balcony. The Annapurna guestroom can take 2 people, there are 2 single beds. There is a bathroom and an independent toilet for each room. the park has also been set up with resting parts. It was rewarded by the region for its fine flower arrangements. Perfect place to relax, a haven of peace to revitalise yourselves. Cyclists and pilgrims reception.
You can even have a break and enjoy a massage during your stay (by reservation)
All year round.
Two people: 80 € Four people: 130 €.
Contact et accès 90 chemin de Pétozan Saint-Genix-sur-Guiers 73240 Saint-Genix-les-Villages Savoie (73)