La Chèvrerie des Oulettes
Sale daily from 5pm to 6pm (except Sunday).
Covid-19 special servicesOpening hours remain the same, from 5pm to 6pm Monday to Saturday. One person is admitted to the store at a time and the host bank is protected. Hydro-alcoholic gel is available to customers. Orders are recommended, at least 48 hours in advance. There is no more visit to the farm planned at the moment, it is no longer possible to attend the milking of goats.
OuvertureEvery day throughout the year between 5 pm and 6 pm.
Closed on Sunday.
From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m .: sale of cheeses.
- Crottins frais : 2€
- Crottins affinés 2€
- Crottins cendrés : 2,40€
- Crottins enrobés aux épices : 2,50€
* Jardin : ail, oignon, échalotte, tomate, persil, poivre, ciboulette, estragon
* Brushetta : crunchies de tomates (tomate, amidon de maïs), ail, oignon, poivron, origan, basilic
* Oignor : Oignon, poivron, paprika, sel, gingembre, raiffort
* Poivre 4 saisons concassé : Poivre blanc, vert et noir, extrait de paprika, sel
* Échalotte
* Ail et fines herbes : ail, sel, ciboulette, persil, poivre
* Ail des ours
* Mélange italien : tomate, ail, oignon, poivron, thym, basilic
- Brique : 4,50€
- Brique cendrée : 4,70€
- Tommette : 19,00€/kg
- Serac : 3,50€
- Raclette : 24,00€/kg.
74130 Mont-Saxonnex
Haute-Savoie (74)
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