Groupes adultes - Visite libre de l'Abbaye d'Abondance

Explore the abbey site at your own pace: enjoy a meditative break in the cloister and immerse yourself in the exceptional world of 15th century wall paintings.
Then, visit the exhibition "From history to art: sacred heritage in the Abondance valley", located in some of the rooms of the old convent buildings. You will discover the treasures of the site's collection.
When you arrive, a mobile site accessible by flashing a QR-Code with your phone, is available for you to explore the Abbey of Abondance (in French, English and German). There are also explanatory panels along the route.
All year round, daily except on January 1st and December 25th.
By reservation.
On demand.
Group adults: 4.50 €.
Group rate available for > 10 people.
4,50€ per person
One free entry for every 20 paid entries.
74360 Abondance
Haute-Savoie (74)
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