Group workshop : The apprentice copyists - art workshop
Abbaye d'Abondance
Pigments, parchments, gold leaf, calligraphy... all names that evoke the Middle Ages and the work of the copyist monks in the abbeys. Taking as a starting point the observation of a 15th century handwritten songbook, the pupils set off to discover this art and then try their hand at writing their first name for primary school pupils or copying a sentence from a medieval text for secondary school pupils. Learning calligraphy allows them to find a new relationship with writing through technical gestures and an adapted vocabulary.
From 01/01 to 31/12, daily.
On demand.
Group children: 4.50 to 5 € (5 € per child if the group is less than 20 children.).
Free of charge: 3 accompanying persons per class.
Contact et accès Place de l'Abbatiale 74360 Abondance Haute-Savoie (74)