Sporting activities

Dirtscoot - Trottinette tout terrain

aire de jeu

Dirtscoot - Trottinette tout terrain
Velay eaux vives

no motor needed! the all-terrain scooter allows you to discover new sensations very close to skiing and mountain biking.
Practice all year round.
Available for hire or supervised by an instructor, to practice in complete safety, progress technically and discover the natural environment and the geological history of the valley.
Descent of the GR 40 (from 4 People 16 Maxi)
10 km distance, Slope of 4 to 17% course in two stages with a sporting part and a landscape part!
Duration variable from 1.5 to 3 hours depending on your level and at your own pace!
Meeting at the multi-activity base of Vorey sur Arzon, equipment, Transport by minibus from St Génies st Paulien altitude 1000 m and arrival at the base of Vorey altitude 500 m !
Little ones ages 6-9 can be double-doubled on a machine with a competent adult (not charged)! 10 years minimum in autonomy on his machine! Minimum height: 1.40m Knowing how to brake, anticipate and regulate your speed is essential! The steepest part can be passed on foot!
Helmets, protections and gloves are provided.


All year round, daily between 9 am and 7 pm.

Subject to favorable weather.


One price: 28 to 35 €.

Group rate available for > 4 people.

Contact et accès
Base nautique rue de la Loire
aire de jeu
43800 Vorey
Haute-Loire (43)
Informations complémentaires
Moyen de Paiement
  • Check
  • Cash
  • Credit transfer
Langues parlées
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Animaux interdits

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Dirtscoot - Trottinette tout terrain
