Historic site and monument

Château de la Vigne


Château de la Vigne
Château de La Vigne

Originally a Merovingian castrum, then a medieval fortress rebuilt in the 15th century by the Lords of Scorailles facing the panorama of the Cantal Mountains, La Vigne consists of a central building and towers topped by a covered way including machicolations. The park is an example of gardens “à la française”. Still furnished and occupied by the descendants of the original builders, La Vigne will give you a lively account of the rich past in the Upper Auvergne.
Rich interiors: gothic frescos (chapel), Renaissance style (studiolo), panellings from the Louis XV epoch, neogothic decoration in the troubadour’s bedroom and big staircase of honor.
The “studiolo » is a very rare discovery. In the 16th century, the archives room was transformed into a meditation and curiosity cabinet.
During the visit, you will admire a superb exhibition of 4500 miniature cars relating the fascinating story of the motor car and old toys including plane models and 1100 dolls from the different parts of the world.


From 01/06 to 30/06/2023, daily.

From 01/07 to 31/08/2023
Opening hours daily between 11 am and 12 pm and between 2 pm and 7 pm.

From 01/09 to 30/09/2023, daily.


Adult: 7 to 9 €
Child : 3.50 to 4.50 €
Group adults: 7 €
Set price group children : 3.50 €.

Free entry for children < 6 years.
Child entry valid for 0 - 12 years.
Group rate available for > 10 people.

Contact et accès
2, La Vigne
15700 Ally
Cantal (15)
Informations complémentaires
  • Educational visits
  • Shop
  • Tourist brochures
  • Guided tours
  • Coach parking
  • Exhibition space
  • Car park
Moyen de Paiement
  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Travellers Cheque
  • Cash
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
Langues de visite
  • English
  • French
  • Interdis : Non à l'intérieur. Oui à l'extérieur.
  • Durée moyenne (individuels) : 45 min

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