Height: 710m. Length: 1200m. Excerpt from the "Activités verticales" 2014 edition guide book: Necessary length of rope: 30m (15m minimum) Approach: 10 minutes. Return: 10 minutes. Descent: 3h. Technical advice: no upsteam dam, way-out difficult to access but possible except in the caves' area.
Bottom of the canyon: carpark in the turn after Mont Bogon hamlet. Do not park in Vesonne village. Top of the canyon: Area on the right 10 minutes after the oratory by foot. Do not park at the oratory, this space is reserved for drop-offs and emergency services.
From 01/01 to 12/31.
Accès règlementé par l'arrêté municipal du 23 mai 2013 - commune de Faverges.
Contact et accès route de Montmin vesonne Faverges 74210 Faverges-Seythenex Haute-Savoie (74)
Balisage : Upstream approach of the canyon: steep paths and fixed ropes.
Return downstream: path following Montmin brooke to the RD path going back up to the "Mont Bogon" carpark. The return through the village is forbidden.
Passages délicats : Vertical height level: moderately difficult.
Water difficulty: after the stream's tributary, the waterfall can be dangerous if the flow is important.
Engaging difficulty: 2