Traditional cooking
Bar-restaurant des sports

43500 Saint-Pal-de-Chalencon
Haute-Loire (43)
Informations complémentaires
Le midi en semaine du mardi au vendredi menu ouvrier (entrée, plat, fromage, dessert et 1/4 de vin). Terrasse.
OuvertureAll year round
Opening hours on Thursday and Friday between 7 am and 10 pm. On Saturday and Sunday between 7 am and 1 am.
Service schedule on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 7 am and 2 pm.
Closed exceptionally on Easter Monday, Whit Monday and November 11th.
Menu of the day: 11 to 18 €.
43500 Saint-Pal-de-Chalencon
Haute-Loire (43)
Informations complémentaires