Sporting activities


Plagne Villages


From 09:30 to 12:00, come and learn on the famous BICLOU and MCF Bikers courses
Bike Park/Pumptrack and freeride.
A week of training, developing skills in complete safety in a great atmosphere among friends.


From 08/07 to 26/08/2023, daily.


Enduro :
3 x 1/2 journée : 195€
5 x 1/2 journée : 295€
Equipement et protections inclus (hors remontées mécaniques et navette vallée)
- Cours et prestations collectives 3 pers. mimimum.

Contact et accès
Sport Leroux
Plagne Villages
73210 La Plagne
Savoie (73)
Informations complémentaires
Moyen de Paiement
  • Bank/credit card
  • Travellers Cheque
  • Cash
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
  • Animaux interdits

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Sporting activities

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