La Ferme du Marais



Christelle, Bruno, Anthony and Fanny have been living at the foot of the Grand Colombier for 20 years. They raise pigs, heifers and milk-fed calves in the traditional way. All the animals are fed with hay and cereals produced on the farm.
All meat and sausages are sold directly, with great respect for nature and the animals.

High quality meats and charcuterie (made with meat from the farm only) are sold fresh and vacuum packed.
The products are made on the farm, in-house, without any nitrite salt or additives.
The farm's products are available at the Belley market on Saturday mornings or directly at the farm shop or at the Myriade producers' shop in Grésy-sur-Aix.

On the spot, visit the mini-farm and restaurant with the products of the farm during the summer season.


From 08/04 to 23/04/2023, daily between 10 am and 6.30 pm.

From 24/04 to 05/07/2023, every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 6.30 pm.

From 06/07 to 03/09/2023, daily between 10 am and 6.30 pm.

From 04/09 to 05/11/2023, every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 6.30 pm.


Free of charge.
Group rate available for > 20 people.

Contact et accès
1263 route d'Aignoz
01350 Ceyzérieu
Ain (1)
Informations complémentaires
  • Educational visits
  • Sales on site
  • Coach access
  • Booking
  • Themed tour
  • Shop
  • Set down on-site for groups
  • Tourist routes
  • Tourist brochures
  • Tourist information
  • Restaurant
  • Guided tours
  • Farm shop
  • Sale on the markets
  • Sale on collective point of sale
  • Toilets
  • Reception room
  • Car park
  • Courtyard
  • Restaurant
  • Parking
  • Coach parking
  • Activity
  • Product tasting
  • Aperitif at the wine grower
Moyen de Paiement
  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Cash
Type de produit
  • Fresh and cut meats
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
Langues de visite
  • French
  • Durée moyenne (individuels) : 150 min

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