Departure: Tourist Office - La Toussuire Distance and duration: 4.7 km - 2h Difference in height: 140 m
From the Tourist Office, turn left to go up the main shopping street. Up there, turn left following the signs "Grande Verdete", "Ouillon", "Retenue d'eau", and "Champ Pérouze". In "Les Ravières", follow "Boucle Champ Pérouse" in direction of "La Lasaz". In "La Lausaz", you can go up (200 m) and see La Lauzaz cross. Go down on the path and turn right to go back to RD78 road. Go back to the Tourist Office.
From 01/06 to 30/09. Depending on the snow cover. Please, ask the tourist office.
Free access.
Contact et accès Place Olympique 73300 La Toussuire Savoie (73)